Benefits of a remote working lifestyle

Benefits of a remote working lifestyle

The pandemic has brought about some much-needed changes to the corporate world. Though the concept of a remote working lifestyle isn’t new, it was primarily enterprises in Silicon Valley that hired remote employees.

However, now that people all over the world have gotten a taste of what remote work feels like, not many are willing to go back to their traditional work structures. Additionally, the global implementation of remote work has allowed people to see exactly how inefficient the traditional work model is.

Problems in the Traditional Work Structure

Work productivity

If people can wrap up the same work in 3 hours that they usually spend an entire day doing in the office, you know the pre-covid work model is ineffective.

Spending eight hours every single day on the same desk five days a week leads to a sedentary lifestyle. It makes people lazier, hinders their creative thinking ability, and thus hurts their productivity.

Constant distractions

While it’s great to socialize and connect with your coworkers, an office environment comes with a lot of distractions. Interruptions from nosy coworkers, unscheduled meetings, and a noisy environment are huge sources of distractions when you work from the office.

Office politics can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a high-school drama. While it might seem funny, workplace distractions can cause unnecessary stress that you can do without.

It’s a real struggle to stay productive and get things done with these constant interruptions.

Work-life balance for employees

It isn’t easy to build a work-life balance if you’re at work most of the day. Many have had to sacrifice their professional success to attain a healthier work-life balance.

Changing jobs or careers, giving up an opportunity for a promotion so that you can spend more time with your family is not how things should be.

2021 has brought about the era of remote work, and the inefficiencies of the traditional work structure have cemented the fact that remote work will become an accepted norm even after the pandemic passes.

Remote working has opened up a more relaxed and flexible lifestyle for many people. Here are just a few benefits of remote working.

Benefits of a remote working lifestyle

Working remotely offers a more flexible lifestyle

Toppling the traditional 9 to 5 schedule is one of the best things about remote work culture.

Strictly speaking, remote working doesn’t directly imply a flexible lifestyle. However, you get the independence to carry out your work on your own schedule.

Remote working gives people the freedom to start and end their day on their own clock.

While some businesses still micromanage, most have stopped tracking individual hours or monitoring their employee’s screens all day. Instead, they focus primarily on the outcome of their team’s work.

People can take advantage of their most productive hours to complete their tasks, be it 2 in the afternoon or 3 in the morning. This leads to less work and increased substantial outcomes.

Efficient business meetings

People don’t prefer to stay on Zoom for more time than necessary, making virtual meetings more efficient than in-person business meetings.

Virtual business meetings have a few general rules that everyone adheres to, like staying on mute while someone else is talking, asking questions in the chatbox instead of interrupting the speaker, having timed breaks, and more.

These rules keep the meeting on track and ensure all the critical discussions are held. In a virtual setting, important decisions are made without wasting anyone’s time.

Additionally, bypassing the business suits has allowed people to respect and value their coworkers based on their contributions rather than other superficial factors.

It doesn’t matter where you’re located; individuals can tune into important business meetings that they may otherwise not have been able to attend.

Breakrooms in a virtual business meeting are more efficient than physically directing people to form small groups and find a space in the room to have their discussion amidst all the noise.

Reduce Commute Stress

There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck in traffic when you might be just a few miles away from your destination.

Take a moment to analyze the stress, anger, and anxiety you suffer every week traveling to and from work. It’s a lot.

This mental anxiety can lead to an unhealthy life.

With a remote working lifestyle, individuals don’t have to deal with the unnecessary stress that comes with that extra hour of traveling during peak traffic hours.

Reduced mental fatigue enhances the efficiency of your work.

Location Independence

Remote work doesn’t necessarily mean location independence. However, companies have started building a global workforce which has given remote workers the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.

Remote working has allowed people from small towns and rural areas the ability to grab opportunities irrespective of where they live.

Provided you have access to your laptop and an internet connection, you can have the job of your dreams without having to move to a metropolitan city.

Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are designed to encourage productivity, unlike cafes and restaurants.

The concept of coworking spaces has been around for some time; however, the pandemic restrictions hit the industry hard. But while the pandemic affected the industry for a while, it has also helped solidify its demand as a preferable workplace solution as more people embrace the remote working lifestyle.

When the concept of coworking spaces was first introduced, people assumed it was more of a passing trend that would fade over time. But with the rise in remote workers, the global coworking industry is expected to grow up to $13.03 billion by 2021.

Previously, coworking spaces primarily focused on offering a dedicated space for working. However, these spaces have now evolved to provide comfort and accommodation.

They now have cafes, soundproof conference spaces for people to brainstorm, sit-to-stand desks, phone booths or call areas, nap pods or wellness rooms, and more!

Travel while working remotely

With the vaccines rolling out, people have started embracing the digital nomad lifestyle. Many have taken to do their work from beach cottages, forest cabins, and scenic spaces outside metropolitan cities.

People now have the opportunity to hold reputed positions at high-profile companies while traveling all over the world for an extended period.

Several remote work travel programs have been built for people who want to travel the world with a community of like-minded individuals. These programs are an excellent option for people who don’t want to travel alone.

They can live and work with others enjoying the same lifestyle and expand their network with professional and friendly connections.

Increased Productivity & Performance

Working from home means you can design your ideal workspace that will fuel your work.

Perhaps you focus better with dim lighting and a table lamp, or maybe you like to have some music playing in the background. You may not be able to do these in the office, but while working remotely, you can do anything you want!

This freedom makes your work feel less like a job and more personal.

When working from home, people commit to shorter but intense work intervals to get their work done. They build their schedule to accommodate their other tasks alongside their work intervals.

This dynamic allows them to wrap up their day early and spend their time pursuing other interests.

With remote working, you have the freedom to exclusively focus on completing your work, thereby boosting your productivity and performance.

Condensed work weeks

People waste a lot of time in an office setting.

If an important meeting is scheduled to come up, there would be a pre-meeting to prepare for a big meeting. Then a wrap-up meeting to talk about everything that was discussed. And this is just one scenario.

More hours don’t mean increased productivity. In fact, shorter working hours can create urgency and provide more incentive to get the job done.

A remote working lifestyle lets people experiment with five-hour days or four-day workweeks. This may not be for everyone, but if you stay hyper-focused while you work and don’t wander off to YouTube until you’re done, this is for you.

With more companies focusing on result-based work models, if you’re able to finish the tasks delegated to you, you can get off work by 2:00 p.m.

Time to pursue other things

Pursuing a passion outside work balances your life.

People often give up on things that matter to them personally if they’re pressed for time. Moreover, after coming back from a long day of work, the last thing you want to do is exercise, pursue a hobby, or start a side hustle.

Making time for your hobbies isn’t always easy; however, working remotely makes it much easier to engage in interests outside of work.

Even if you’re working with large corporations, remote jobs tend to give you a lot more freedom and flexibility.

Without daily commute and other time-consuming daily routines, finding time for side projects isn’t difficult.

Additionally, when you’re happy, less stressed, and in a good mindset, you’ll be more open to pursuing things that bring you joy.

You can join a gym, take up painting, or simply go out every evening for a walk. You could host a weekly game night and get together with your friends and family.

A hobby will not just ensure you have a healthy work-life balance, it can also give you the chance to switch off from career-related problems or issues within the company.

Good Work-Life Balance

Remote working promotes a healthier work-life balance. People are better able to create a flexible schedule to manage their work efficiently and spend quality time with their family, friends, and pets.

According to a Work-life Relationship survey by FlexJobs, more than 85% of people have said that remote working has reduced stress, improved mental health, and enabled better self-care.

In fact, many have ranked better work-life balance as the top reason why they decided to work remotely.

This control remote workers have over their work-life is invaluable because they’re less likely to be overworked or burned out because of poor sleeping habits or increased stress.

Save money!

Remote working definitely has notable financial perks.

For example, working remotely means you don’t need to purchase business suits. Unless you have an important meeting, you’re free to flop around in your yoga pants and casual tees.

Commuting is another obvious way of saving money — whether it’s money spent on gas, car maintenance, or public transportation. In fact, people spend between $2000 to $5000 every year on transportation.

You might have grown accustomed to getting a cup of coffee on the way, ordering lunch every day, or grabbing a bite with your coworkers after a long day. These expenses might feel harmless to you, but the numbers add up pretty quickly.

However, now that you’re making your own coffee and lunch, you’re saving quite a bit.

While it’s not a guarantee to fix your finances or show a dramatic increase in your savings rate, it can definitely put some extra cash in your pockets.


With more companies building a global remote workforce for the long term, it’s safe to say that remote work is not going anywhere.

The benefits of working remotely are huge, and it’s no doubt that remote work will shape the future of work. In fact, most companies are likely to adopt a hybrid work style, which is a mix of both working remotely, and in the office.

However, the most important aspects of efficiently working with a global remote workforce are communication and collaboration.

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